EU corner provides general information about the European Union and how the EU funds science and education cooperation within Europe and beyond. The EU corner will provide permanent presence of personnel who will be able to answer public questions about the EU policies and programmes and how the promoting of the European role in research and innovation is assured (Horizon Europe NCPs from the Ministry of Science, Education and sport, UM Career Centre staff, Europe Direct Information representatives from local institutions). Also, some of the incoming and outgoing researchers funded by the EU (in particular Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions) will present their activities and the funding mechanisms, as well as take part in the activities organized outside the EU corner. These researchers are Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar (ENviSION, 645791), Branko Lobnikar (IMPRODOVA, 787054, MSCA Fellow: Viola Hobiger (PhotoEmulsion,765341), Aleš Ferčič (JM Chair 2018-1674). EU corner in Maribor also includes the EU Green Deal Exhibition and cooperation of SBRA representatives.
Researchers: Prof. Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar, Prof. Branko Lobnikar, Viola Hobiger, PhD, Prof. Aleš Ferčič, Horizon Europe NCPs from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, UM Career Centre staff, representatives of EUROPE DIRECT Podravje, Information representatives from local institutions, SBRA representatives.